Sean Bryson - Racially Assaulted
in Portobello Road. Tuesday 4th July 2006.
I am posting this item exactly as
I posted it on my "London
forum. Follow the link below.
It's in the section dedicated
to "Kensington & Chelsea"
Sean Bryson - Racially Assaulted in Portobello
I was shopping in Portobello road in the
afternoon of Tuesday 4th July 2006.
As I was making a purchase from one of the market stalls, I
heard a raised voice from right behind me that said ...
"Don't take any notice of those white bitches"
I turned around and saw a tall muscular looking
man of light skinned Asian appearance, who had spoken to his
mixed race ( black / white ) female companion. But I was in
no doubt that due to the volume of the statement, it was also
meant for my ears.
( I have not seen either of these people before, and have no
idea who the "White Bitches" are ? )
Naturally, due to my
various problems in this area over the years, I was furious.
My next shopping call took me to Tesco's
in Portobello road, on the way there I passed this couple, as
I did so I made the comment "Black shit"
Asian chap grabbed my arm and I turned, and he said
need to understand the sort of people you are dealing with"
His female companion said ... "It's because he heard
you say about White Bitches"
Whereupon this Asian chap head butted
me on the side of the face
( left cheekbone ) fortunately I moved quickly enough,
and the impact was not too great. |
sort of people we are dealing with ???
I did a small amount of shopping in Tesco's,
and as I was doing so I was thinking to myself, WHY should I
just accept being treated like this ????? I decided to go home
and contact the Police. As I turned into Tavistock Road ( Where
I live ) at the junction with Portobello Road, I saw the "Guilty
Party" and his female companion sitting at one of the tables
outside the Mika Coffee Bar.
The Asian chap was about six feet tall, short
hair, muscular build, and wearing a VERY bright yellow short
sleeved T Shirt. I think that he may have been wearing shorts,
but I am not sure about that.
A few minutes later I was on the phone to
the police and gave full details, the event, their description,
and their current whereabouts.
The police were at my home in minutes !!
Did any police officers go to the Coffee Bar in the same road
I went through all of the details again.
One of the two visiting police officers (PC
Jones) said that it was unwise of me to have made the remark
that I did. I have to agree with that officer, but I AM human
! ( OK, no wise cracks please ! )
The crime ref: for this incident is 5613109/06
( Contact Stephen Hopkins - CSU - Notting Hill Police Station
Don't think that this is just an
isolated incident of Anti White Racism.
the three links below !
Steven Lawrence -
Versus White Victims
The Truth In Britain
- Open Your Eyes
The Truth In Britain - OPEN YOUR EYES !
Race & Criminal
Cowardice - 1999 Home Office Report (
And today it's even worse ! )
If you have ANY
information about this incident, contact the police, post it
on these pages
( London
), or contact the BNP.
The link below will take you to various BNP
contact options.
shouldn't we ????
forum. Follow the link below.