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Political Correctness  |
Blair accused of TREASON! over Europe
THEREFORE, for the first time since 1066, foreign [ European
Union ] Men-at-Arms, not in any way answerable to
our sovereign monarch, will be granted the legal right to tread
the soil of Britain and moreover detain subjects of this Kingdom
indefinitely, without trial or a preliminary
hearing, all of which will be in flagrant breach of our constitutional
Blair accused of treason over Europe
Dilution of national cultures
by immigration is the basis for the European Union.
A weakened sense of nationhood in Britain, France and Germany
means no effective opposition to bureaucratic rule by the European
Commission in Brussels.
a smaller more 'Local' scale, you may have noticed that
in areas of high minority & ethnic domination, a
disproportionate number of 'managerial' and 'decision
making' positions, are occupied by one particular social
has NOT come about for no reason !! |
In order to criminalize national patriotism
and opposition to immigration, the European Union is pushing forward
legislation that makes xenophobia and racism crimes. Once this
legislation passes, a European, who, for example, criticizes immigration
as an anti-diversity measure that is wiping European civilization
off the face of the earth, can be found guilty of racism and sentenced
to two years in prison.
european civilization off the face of the earth
The European Arrest Warrant
However, it will make a difference
in those cases where someone is accused on grounds which are
not considered criminal in his own country. For example, Germany
has severe laws against questioning certain aspects of WW2
history, which it terms "holocaust denial". Such historical
enquiry is not considered a crime in Britain ... at least
not yet. However, a British citizen who broke this law in
Germany, and then returned to Britain, could be extradited
on this charge. Note, however, that an extradition request
can only be made if the alleged crime was committed in the
country which is asking for extradition. It is not possible
to be extradited to, say, Germany, for something which you
have said or done in Britain. But the situation does become
blurred, however, regarding internet forums. If you post something
from Britain, on an internet forum which is hosted in, say,
Germany, would that be prosecutable?
That is the question.
The European
Arrest Warrant |
EU Cannot Be Serious!
The Truth About Europe
Say NO To Europe And The Euro
Why was the European Union formed?
There are so few good arguments for being in the European
Union (EU) today that it is hard to remember why it started. The
two most important reasons belong to the last century and are now
out of date.
First, in 1945 the French wanted
to stop the Germans starting another war in Europe. They thought
they could tie Germany down within a union of all European countries.
Second, the Americans wanted to support
a bloc in Europe against the threat of the Soviet Union. EU believers
still claim that the EU is crucial to keeping peace in Europe.
But wars are not started by democracies. They often begin when
different nations are forced together. Yugoslavia is the latest
of many examples. Even in the UK, the recent troubles in Northern
Ireland are a horrible reminder that living under the same roof
is no guarantee of a happy marriage. To cram the British together
with the French, Germans, Italians, Greeks and Spaniards would
be asking for trouble.
A third reason for the EU was the
creation of the Single Market - the duty free exchange of goods
and freedom of travel across Europe.
That was a good idea. But it didn't -
and still doesn't - need to lead to a single government for all
of Europe.
Cannot Be Serious!
What will happen
to our gold reserves if we join EMU?
you guess?
They will be transferred to the European Central Bank which
will 'hold and manage the official reserves of the Member
States'. For the UK, this would mean surrendering control
of our gold reserves of £28 billion. This is one of
the many reasons why joining EMU would be irreversible ...
Gold Reserves ! |
Edward Heath / Monetary
Union & Sovereignty
Downplayed in Euro Talks
Documents disclosed under the 30-Year
Rule reveal that the most controversial European issue of
today - monetary union - was already being discussed at the
highest levels of government in 1970 as the UK sought entry
to the club. When Edward Heath took power in June 1970, everyone
knew that his main foreign policy goal was to succeed where
Harold Wilson before him had failed, and gain a place for
the UK in the European Economic Community
Edward Heath
& Europe
Corpus Juris - Professional Judges - A
Ban On Habeas Corpus and Trial by Jury
On the face of it Corpus Juris represents a proposed new EU-wide
criminal code for the prosecution of fraud against the EU budget.
Many - seeing it from this restricted light - have welcomed the
proposal, viewing it as a long overdue determination to crack down
on the large, and growing, volume of EU fraud and providing the
detailed judicial mechanisms with which to do so.
Behind Corpus
Corpus Juris - the European Union
proposal to abolish trials by jury
Many people see Britain as being the home of FREEDOM as we created
our unique system of parliamentary democracy backed by our COMMON
LAW. The latter has been adopted, in various forms, by the other
English speaking nations, notably the USA, Australia, New Zealand,
Canada, Ireland and Malta. Our legal system is unique in that it
embodies our concept of the individual's freedom (Power of the People
as embodied in our Common Law) and makes our laws quite different
to those of our friends in Continental Europe. These ancient rights
are now under imminent threat from Brussels under a proposal known
as 'Corpus Juris' ("CJ").
Corpus Juris
& British Common Law Rights
No opposition to Euro Superstate
On April 21st a Belgian court issued a verdict which has to all
intents and purposes banned an opposition political party. The party
is the Flemish speaking Vlaams Blok (Flemish Bloc/Group), which
is campaigning on the similar pro-sovereignty platform of the BNP.
This is a deliberate attempt to silence the patriots of Europe who
are opposed to enhanced powers for the centralised European Superstate.
What happens in Belgium today could happen in the UK in the near
future, effectively silencing any dissident voice to the European
Project. This is the real fascist face of the European Superstate,
it will not tolerate opposition.
Banned by the politically
appointed undemocratic Belgian legal system
The Maastricht Treaty introduced
little known aspects of EU integration referred to as "co-operation
between member states in justice and home affairs".
Under these provisions Europol, a Europe wide police force is being
It has very wide powers but
is not answerable to any elected body. It
reports to a special committee appointed by the Council
of Ministers. It exists ostensibly to fight crime, but it
has a much wider function. Not only will it collect and store information
on known and suspected criminals, but also on anyone's political
and religious beliefs and activities. The building up of large databases
is specifically provided for under the Maastricht Treaty.
"It is worth noting that the Soviet
Union never abolished elections- the ruling Communist party simply
outlawed all other parties as "fascist" or "counter
revolutionary" and maintained itself in power that way!"
1996: Millionaire businessman Sir James
Goldsmith announces a plan for a Referendum Party, promising
to fund candidates to fight the next UK general election on a platform
of giving the electorate a referendum on whether to join the European
single currency. Since his death, the late Sir James Goldsmith has
faded from the British consciousness. Yet his legacy lives on in
one vital respect. Britain did not join the European single currency
along with the other 12 members of the European Union, because of
a referendum pledge which he extracted from the two main UK political
parties before he died. History may say that he saved Britain
from the Euro. It will certainly say,
at the very least, that he delayed Britain`s entry, until such a
momentous constitutional decision had been approved in a referendum.
The vast majority of the citizens of Europe
were not granted that democratic choice by their governments.
Britain Is Sleepwalking
Into A European Superstate
In the footsteps of Fortuyn -
Geert Wilders, the scourge of Dutch liberalism, is determined
to make race the key issue in the EU referendum campaign. Mr Wilders
has described Islam as a "backward" religion incompatible
with democracy and split with his previous party, the VVD centre-right
liberals, over their failure to oppose Turkish accession to the
EU. Though there is no non-white face at this press conference,
the issue of race dominates proceedings. Asylum and immigration
policy forms only a tiny part of the European constitution, and
Turkish accession is not addressed, but Mr Wilders thinks they
will be decisive.
"This referendum is about sovereignty
and immigration", he says. His argument is that the constitution
apportions voting weight in part according to nation's populations,
thereby making Turkey potentially the most powerful nation
in the EU.
In the footsteps of
Fortuyn - Geert Wilders
Sir Alfred Sherman - The Coming Confrontations
With Islam
Country after country eschews
elections because they would let in the fundamentalists
committed to full sharia and jihad, and outlawing
democracy for ever. Turkey,
Algeria and Egypt are among those countries which
dare not let their electors
Alfred Sherman - The Coming Confrontations With Islam
Chairman Mr Nick Griffin, was arrested in December
(2004) for suspicion of incitement to racial hatred,
after an
BBC reporter
filmed him calling Islam a "vicious, wicked faith"
Putting the fear of God into Holland
The Dutch have rejected liberalism in response to Islamic immigration.
Some say they are now too hardline. So what can the rest of Europe
learn from their crisis? Some immigrants came from former Dutch
The two largest groups, however, Turkish
and Moroccan, had no historic links with the Netherlands.
The Dutch nonetheless accepted the reunification of families, and
the practice of marrying partners from the country of origin, even
though these can have an eight- or tenfold multiplier effect on
overall numbers.
Asylum seekers then arrived, in numbers
that escalated from 3,500 in 1985 to over 43,000 in 2000.
Putting the fear of God
into Holland
The Murder Of Dr David Kelly
( Alex Jones
interviewing Michael Shrimpton QC )
31. AJ: Folks, this
is very very important, because Tony Blair is a minion of
the globalists. Hes the tool whos trying to destroy
British national sovereignty, to bring the British people
under the dominance of the un-elected unaccountable European
Union whether they like it or not. Hes
been promised the EU head-ship under a new expanded, empowered
EU, if he can get Britain into it. He lied about the
weapons of mass destruction. Its clear that if Tony
Blair was to have been exposed, that would certainly hurt
those in Europe that want to get rid of British sovereignty.
Tony Blair used French "Special
Branch" to silence Dr David Kelly
Blair - Dr David Kelly
In the 2008
UK Elections Vote for anyone - EXCEPT
Labour !

Blair / Battle Of Burnley 2002
Police will be allowed to make arrests
without evidence.
(a heavenly state of affairs for some)
And the accused
will be assumed to be guilty instead of innocent.
Corpus Juris
by Ralph Maddocks
The Eurozone countries
face a crisis because they have rapidly ageing populations and unfunded
public pension liabilities. Britain is better off, both because
our demographic position is much stronger, and because our pension
savings are more than the savings of Germany, France, Italy and
Spain put together. If under the Maastricht criteria borrowing is
restricted, then Eurozone governments will have to choose between
massive cuts in spending or large tax rises. For example Italy could
either cut government purchases by half, or increase income tax
by about 28 per cent.
What Will Happen To
LABOUR MEPs have denounced
as a disgraceful abuse a grant of €250,000 (£170,000)
of European taxpayers money to the UK Independence Party to
campaign for Britain to leave the EU. The UKIP, which has accused
the EU of spending public funds to promote European integration,will
use the money to begin a campaign for a referendum on withdrawal.
UKIP given £170,000
to quit Europe
Vikings are meant
to ravage Europe, not to save it, but on September 14 Sweden's voters
decisively rejected the option of signing up for the euro. The Swedes'
rejection of that economic suicide note may have set in motion a
process that could save the continent from the worst consequences
of the EU's disastrous single currency. To start with, Sweden's
nej was a valuable reminder to the electorates in the U.K. and Denmark
(both of which have yet to accept the euro) that there is nothing
inevitable about its introduction in their countries.
Yea to the Nej
Swedes won't take the euro
had best pop over to the Misty Isles for a last experience of Great
Britain before the country is reduced to an oppressed province of
the European Union. Napoleon could not conquer England, nor could
Hitler, but Socialist bureaucrats in Brussels have with help from
Tony Blairs New Labour and British nonchalance. Britain is
on its way back to the reign of Charles I with its secret courts
and imprisonment without trial or evidence.
Say Goodbye
to England
The transatlantic
alliance the springboard of Americas global involvement, in
Zbigniew Brzezinskys words will change dramatically in the
first decade of this century. Americans would be prudent to prepare
for the possibility of estrangement in the relationship, stemming
not just from differences in economic outlook between a given U.S.
administration and the leading European governments of the day,
but also from a secular desire by some in Europe to vie for global
political leadership. It should hardly need mentioning that such
an outcome would have adverse consequences for the way the United
States projects its power throughout the globe; we would have to
learn, for one thing, to do without our European partner
Why Europe Needs
Although 54 per cent
of the French voted non, and 62 per cent of the Dutch
said nee, few were prepared to admit that Europes
elite had lost touch with the people, and that in their relentless
drive for integration they had left their citizens far behind.
In the Alice-in-Wonderland
world of Brussels no has been interpreted as yes.
Blair, Britain, Europe
and International Relations? A Newsletter of FPRIs Center
for the Study of America and the West
Jeremy Black, a Senior Fellow of the Foreign Policy Research Institute,
is Professor of History, University of Exeter, UK. Recent books
include Modern British History (Palgrave, 2000), The Politics of
James Bond (Praeger, 2001), America as a Military Power 1775-1882
(Praeger, 2002), and The World in the Twentieth Century (Longman,
Watch on the
How our legal system
is being destroyed by stealth in favour of the Napoleonic system.
Corpus Juris is a prototype EU criminal code that explicitly does
away with Trial by Jury. The declared intention is to extend this
system to eventually cover all fields of criminal activity. British
citizens in Britain will be liable to arrest (and deportation) with
no Habeas Corpus (i.e. no obligation to show that the prosecution
have bothered to collect any evidence against the prisoner at all)
nor any safeguard of extradition proceedings, and to be tried and
convicted in Britain, as well as elsewhere, by courts that explicitly
exclude "simple jurors or lay magistrates" (Art 26(1)
of Corpus Juris). The only limitation on the European Public Prosecutor's
power to arrest and hold somebody indefinitely is that he has to
have the authorisation of the so-called "Judge of Freedoms",
whose duties do not include any scrutiny of prima facie evidence,
to do so, at the start, then after six months, and then every three
months after that.
How our
legal system is being destroyed
Summary: The British
have nothing to gain from becoming part of Europe, but they have
everything to lose: political sovereignty, a strong currency, and
relatively low payroll and income tax rates. With the demise of
the Soviet Union a decade ago, U.S. foreign policy has fallen off
the screen. Arab-Israeli conflict is trying to put it back on, but
until the latest outbreak of violence in Palestine, the focus of
U.S. foreign policy was on Kosovo, a break-away province of a small
country, Serbia. This is nothing short of amazing considering that
the United States is on the verge of losing its great ally of the
20th century -- Great Britain. The problem is not that the Brits
have turned against their American cousins.
The problem
is that Britain is about to become a province of a European superstate
If the current government
has the cahunas to try a referendum, there is going to be a need
for canvassers and the like. I urge you to help with any free time
you have if and when the time comes. I am not personally affiliated
with any specific pro-Pound group, but I am sure any of them would
be very happy to hear from you.In the early 1990s various referenda
(eg. Maastricht) in sovereign states were won by the NO vote, only
for the referenda to be reheld with different results. This is an
outrageous ploy which is analogous of dictatorship. I do not believe
this could happen here now, because at this stage there is a great
degree of awareness in the British People of the underhand tactics
of politicians. NO MEANS NO.
Keep The Pound
The European economy
is NOT a Free economy as it once was, its now a 'planned' economy,
this means they have fixed Quotas for many products. The German
farmer , fisherman, shipbuilder etc is not allowed to produce anymore
than his 'quota', so with 10 new members, these allocated 'QUOTAS'
will now have to be shared amongst another ten countries. Say 'Aufwiedersehen'
to German farm produce etc. German firms wanting to stay in business
are closing shop in Germany and heading east, according to the local
papers SIEMENS is sacking 75000 German workers and moving eastwards.
Poland has a 20% unemployment rate Lettland , Estland, Tschechoslovakia
and Hungary are even higher...ie CHEAP LABOUR
A European Complains
All parties and commentators
are expressing concern about the expected low turnout at the forthcoming
election. Often a reason given is that people don't have confidence
that politicians are capable of significantly improving the conditions
in which people live in terms of health, education, transport, crime,
pensions and so on. There is an alternative for such sceptical voters
- and that is to vote Green. The rest of this article outlines the
Green's alternative to globalisation, ie localisation, which prioritises
the protection and rebuilding of local economies in the UK and globally.
In the process big business and roving capital can be brought to
heel by democratically elected politicians. The localisation programme
also means that adequate taxes and social and environmental regulations
can be introduced. This will ensure that there are enough resources
and political power to provide the social services people crave
for, whilst fully protecting the environment.
Mike Woodin and
Caroline Lucas MEP
or Ruled From Brussels..? |
"The UK contributes
around £8,000,000
each and every day of each year to the EU.
That's a lot since 1973. By the end of end of 1995 we had paid ...
to the EU..."
we have our own dream and our own task. We are with Europe,
but not of it.
We are linked but not combined.
We are interested and associated but not absorbed."
Jacques Delors, the
former President of the European Commission, fuelled the controversy
over the euro yesterday by admitting that Britain was justified
in opting out of the single currency because its launch was flawed.In
a remarkably frank interview with The Times, the one-time bogeyman
of Eurosceptics also predicted that Britain would stay out for years,
not least because Gordon Brown was so passionate about his contempt
for Europe.In another startling admission, the veteran French leftwinger
said that the European Union was in a state of latent crisis because
of weak leadership. He blamed member state leaders, including President
Chirac of France, for putting national interests before the common
UK was
right not to join flawed euro, admits Jacques Delors
Some euro watchers
say that if Britain joined the euro, Sweden would follow. The converse
is probably not true. But if Sweden rejected the single currency,
it might have a substantial impact across the North Sea. A no
vote would show that the euro has lost rather than won converts
in its first 18 months as a physical currency. More significantly
perhaps, Swedens referendum campaign would demonstrate to
Britons that it is not only right-wing xenophobes who oppose the
single currency. Far from it. In Sweden, the most implacable euro-sceptics
are the former communists and the greens. Soren Wibe, the de facto
leader of the no campaign, is a Social Democrat.
does it make sense to join a currency union?
European attitudes
towards America have turned chilly of late. France, a member of
the U.N. Security Council, continues to spar with the U.S. over
Iraq. Germany's Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder won reelection by vowing
not to cooperate with Washington. He's maintained his criticism
of U.S. policy while working with Paris to generate a common European
strategy. Through it all Prime Minister Tony Blair has stood with
the Bush administration. But nothing is permanent. The Blair-led
letter of European support last week was an obvious diplomatic coup
for the U.S. But most of its signers will offer little practical
help during either the military campaign or resulting occupation.
Indeed, when the Czech defense minister visited Kuwait, he offered
a ride home to any of the 250 Czech chemical-weapons specialists
who wanted to leave; seven jumped on board his jet and another score
later joined them. Imagine Donald Rumsfeld doing the same for U.S.
soldiers. Italy and Spain are more serious players, but could easily
align with France and Germany after a change in government
Preserving Britain's
independence from Europe
A very grave threat
now exists to the ancient liberties of the citizens of the United
Kingdom. The whole foundation of the judicial law in the nation
state is about to be overturned by a system based on dictatorship
and oppression of the spirit. The plan to impose a single criminal
justice system throughout the European Union , including the United
Kingdom, is advancing at a rapid pace. Under the system proposed
by Brussels, known as Corpus Juris, Britain's historic freedoms
and liberties are to be ended in the name of a new "efficient"
Europe. It is no exaggeration to say that if implemented the United
Kingdom, without Habeas Corpus and trial by jury, would in all reality
become a police state.
System of Repression Now Confirmed in Corpus Juris
Ancient sovereign
states, such as England and France, and newer ones, such as Germany
and Italy, are to cease to exist and to be folded into a European
superstate. National existence is targeted for extinction by about
2006 followed by national consciousness.Preparing the British for
their demise as a people, Foreign Secretary Jack Straw wrote in
The Independent on Nov. 22 that in a world where
states and the interests of their citizens are so obviously interdependent,
we need to rethink our attitudes to concepts like independence
and sovereignty.
Tyranny is
coming to Europe in the form of a new multicultural empire
Superstates are an Infringement of Divine Law. What
we can learn from the episode at Babel is that national divisions
and language barriers in the world have been set in place by God
in order to hinder the progress of Satan's one-world kingdom until
the time is historically right for it to occur, i.e. when the
world has finally "filled up the cup of its iniquity"
and irreversibly rendered itself liable to judgement. Separate
sovereign nation-states have been ordained by Him not only to
look after the general welfare of the people but also to uphold
the rule of law in order to prevent anarchy in a fallen world
(Rom.13:1-7). And this Divine function on earth operates alongside
the division of languages and separate nation-states to ensure
the necessary prevention of an antichristian global unity. The
establishment of a small number of federal superstates across
the world would provide the perfect preparation for the final
antichristian one-world government predicted in the Bible. The
concept of a trans-national superstate is, therefore, an infringement
of Divine Law and a modern exhibition of the same rebellious pagan
spirit which built the Tower of Babel
Bible and the European Superstate