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Emanuel McLittle
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Africa starves because
The above link will take you to some sickening
You NEVER hear our
MEDIA people making a noise about this
All men are not created equal.
There is but one single explanation for the 6,000
years of strife, the spilling of an ocean of blood, the
sacrifice of light years of progress, and the basis for
the current global power struggle. All of this is the result
of at least two unalterably opposing types of souls, one
vicious and animal like, the other enlightened and human,
fighting. Both are wrapped in an immortal struggle to dominate
one planet.
The goal of any confidence game
is to create a sense of doubt about the obvious.
Sociopaths, the leaders of more than three billion
of the earth's people, operate through the veins of nations,
its political structure. But the swindling of retirees out
of their savings, or the smooth tongue needed to motivate
others to commit immoral or illegal acts is child's play
compared to the international drama currently being acted
out on the world stage. Let there be no doubt, the draw
stings that open and close the intermission curtain, the
lighting to control perception (the media), the actors whose
lies boggle the mind, all hang from a ventriloquist's string.
They want to fool us all.
Even when the plot is hidden, the international players
reveal enough for us to figure out the motive, as well as
who is pulling their strings. This said, let us focus on
Nelson Mandela, who recently emerged from retirement, at
85-years-old, to play a pivotal role in yet another scrimmage
between the two great sides. Today the stage is set in the
Middle East. The names are only coincidental. In every age
there was an American viewpoint and an Iraqi viewpoint,
with every man and woman in the world on one side or the
Mandela's job is to use his reputation as a persecuted
black man, freed from a dungeon in the dessert, in 1990.
His very presence impugns a conviction. White people, all
white people, locked him away for 26 years of his life.
He was branded a hero for all the dark people of the world
for opposing white domination.
International brokers, his soul brothers
in "high places," took control of Africa's wealthiest
nation, placed a living martyr on its throne to reign
over an idea far beyond the borders of South Africa.
People of color, in this case, the Iraqis, are said
to be the perpetual victims, Mandela implies, of nation-thieves,
white, western Christians out to rule the world, a desire
of their own hearts.
Mandela was strategic. South Africa was
merely the staging ground for the false guilt used all around
the world, for various scrimmages. Mandela's impact on the
rest of the world is psychological and works like a silent
weapon. When Mandela speaks, as he did recently, when he
accused, "America of introducing chaos in international
affairs," it is a strategic chess move. With
little to no experience in politics, except the killing
of whites and rival Zulu tribesmen, Mandela has no legitimate
claim to greatness. There are no intelligent papers
penned by Mandela. Others wrote all the speeches he delivered.
His thoughts belong to others. He solved none of South Africa's
internal problems. He is of average intelligence and has
no money other then what was given to him for his role in
South Africa's fall. So, how did he become a hero?
Mandela is called one of the world's "tallest"
statesmen even before he emerged from his prison cell. Fellow
Marxists around the world who created Mandela now
want him to use his racial capital to influence President
Bush, who is smart enough to refuse to take Mandela's telephone
call. It did not take a lot of nerve for Mandela to show
his face after reigning over the destruction of South Africa's
prosperity. To accuse America is his true nature.
Like billions of his soul
brothers, Mandela is incapable of creating and building
anything. His type waits for others to create and build.
Then they infiltrate and take over.
I believe apartheid, set aside in 1992, was a feeble, unjust
and unworkable attempt, on the part of white South Africans,
to separate from the dissimilar personalities obvious in
the two rivaling types of humans.
South Africa is now the AIDS capitol
of the world, with 55 percent of its black population testing
HIV positive, according to the U.N. South Africa also leads
the world in violent crime. There are more murders and rapes
(per capita) in South Africa than anywhere on the globe.
To cover up, Mandela and his successors have created new
forms of censorship in order to hide the mess. South Africa's
Jesse Jackson, Desmond Tutu, recently asked for American
aid, following the mass exodus, since 1994, of more than
half of South Africa's commercial farmers. This has cut
food production down by 60 percent. The reason for the mass
fleeing is the near 1,500 murders of small and large white
farmers by black thugs carrying military weapons, possibly
distributed by the ANC.
The U.S. media
is silent about South Africa's killings
and rapes,
where white women and even small white
children are intentionally infected ( RAPED
!!! ) with the AIDS virus.
To suppress the truth about their
( MARXIST ) brethren, world
wide, is their job.
There are deep and vital reasons why the news is twisted
by the elitists. 
Western liberals claim that the leopard-like
carnage we see in South Africa is due to pent up rage, for
years of apartheid. But I disagree.
I propose that humans are not created equal and that what
we are seeing in South Africa is the evidence that at least
some men are endowed with the souls of vicious animals.
Like Saddam Hussein, billions of people are dark in nature,
murderous without flinching and seem gratified by horror.
I further propose that this is not based on race or national
origin. In fact more than half the world may belong to this
race. Most are not black.
The real reason for the so-called third
world is the mentality of the third world. The left says
that education; the removal of poverty and the elimination
of racism will make men equal in prosperity. But if that
were so, America and England would be a heavenly paradise.
This is where the most educated people in the world live,
work and play. No, education is not the key. Wealth is not
it, nor is racial equity. It is spirit gifted with some
degree of illumination, without which one cannot see which
way to go. No, it is not IQ. It is Spirit. Entire continents
like Africa, with 2,000 varieties of vegetables, roots,
fruits, legumes and grains, to say nothing of the immense
wealth in minerals, diamonds and gold would not have a third
of population starving, continuously. Africa could be among
the wealthiest continents in the world. But it is not. The
spirit is not there. It is here, in America. And everyone
knows it. Does that mean that we do not make terrible political
misstates? Certainly we do. Nevertheless, that has not stopped
heaven's gift basket from falling on us.
Mandela presided
over great wealth earned by others and still he left South
Africa in chaos. He helped to reduce
a wealthy nation to near poverty status.
He stands next to Saddam and defends Iraq
not because he believes so much in Iraq's cause but because
they are brothers in the truer sense that FOX, CNN or ABC
can comprehend. Saddam and Mandela are of the same heart
and they know it. All of the evil of this world know each
North Korea, China, Russia, Iran, Saudi
Arabia, most of Europe, Asia, Syria, and the majority of
the UN Security Council, are all on Saddam's side, no matter
their rhetoric. This treatise is not entirely about Mandela.
It is about redefining the real nature of our current global
conflict, with Iraq in the middle at this time. All the
political deviants know each other. It is the people of
good-will who are strangers. This is also about every other
conflict we have ever had, since a man with one world view
bludgeoned his brother, who had a different world view,
to death. The friction is eternal. The stakes are higher
than ever. No more wooden clubs. Now comes the threat of
atomic weapons. Prophets predicted their use.
This is the time to know for sure, what side you
are on.
© 2002 Emanuel McLittle - All Rights
Emanuel McLittle
has a Masters Degree and two decades of experience in Counseling
Psychology. His keen insight, developed over 24 years, makes
him qualified to deliver honest, unambiguous guidance.
about Mandela
& Slovo here
When Mandela dies,
we will kill you whites like flies.
( African National
Congress Councillor, Mzukizi
Gaba, 10th November 1997 )
15th February, 2004
Harare - Verging on one-fourth of the
Zimbabwean population - nearly 3.4 million
people - are living abroad, many of them
having fled violent state repression and
the nation's deepening economic crisis.
Click |
Another Marxist
Anti White, Anti West, Racist "Toilet" |
From British Nationalist, December 2004
One Law for Them...Yet again!
Did you know that in Glasgow on 18th
October, the first ever Scottish conviction for racially
motivated murder was secured?
Did you read or hear about how fifteen
year old Kriss Donald was attacked by Muslim Racists, abducted,
driven around Scotland, beaten, mutilated, stabbed and burned
Did you know that the first defendent
accused admitted he was killed simply for being "a
white boy"?
The chances are you did not if you do
not log onto the BNP website or read Voice of Freedom regularly.
Shame on you if you do neither!
very few of you will be unaware of the 'heinous' attack
on the coloured footballers playing for England by Spanish
fans the day before.
Wall-to-wall national TV and press coverage was given over
to the crime of " name
calling " while one of the most vicious
and brutal murders of a child ever witnessed in this country
was either ignored or left as a regional filler.
This is more than politically correct
This is Communist style manipulation
of public opinion.
Hide the real horrors and inflate
lesser evils.
White people cannot be seen as victims, only as aggressors.
The truth will out though, thanks to the BNP and your
help in spreading the word to friends and family.

Television |
Truth Is Out There ! |