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Free Speech ? Use it or LOSE it !
Populist and Populism are NOT four letter words.
They just describe Democracy from the ground up.
It's the Greatest Good, for the Greatest Number.

Sean Bryson - Notting Hill - London W11 - UK

'Some' of the people who wish to speak with you,
may be a danger to you.

But 'all' of the people who would stop you listening,
are a danger to you.

Sean Bryson

Articles on A full list of all of the articles on this website

White Supremacist White Supremacist White Supremacist The DEFINITION of a WHITE SUPREMACIST !?!?

Ayaan Hirsi Ali Ayaan Hirsi Ali - tackle islam or face civil war
Oldham Oldham BNP reports from the battle zone
Robinson Tommy Robinson accused of wanting a race war
War Britain First warn of 'UK civil war' with muslims
Non White Race war brewing between non-white invaders
Trevor Phillips Britain ‘sleepwalking to catastrophe’ over race
Clash Civilizations The clash of civilizations, Samuel Huntington
France War What next ? Could France be facing a civil war ?
Culture The culture wars arrive in Britain
War Europe Civil war will erupt in Europe within three decades
Britain A Future for Britain Free from Islamization
European Paul Weston European Civil War Inevitable by 2025 ?
England England is not going to be England anymore
Belfast Loyalist gangs wage race war in Belfast
Jihad JIHAD Massive European civil war predicted
Civil War Muslim iImmigrants will cause Civil War In Europe
Migration The Great Migration will be with us for decades
Europa THIS IS EUROPA The Voice of Ethnic-Europeans
Racial Profiling Racial profiling threatens to widen the conflict
Civil War Europe The Coming Civil War in Europe
Refugee Crisis Things Could Get Very Ugly Following Refugee Crisis
Turkey UK is weirdly terrified of immigration from Turkey
White Supremacist White supremacist 'was planning race war'
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Rogues Gallery Rogues Gallery ... 
The tiniest fraction of those first and second-generation immigrants who have killed, raped and otherwise violated British men, women and children in Britain.
All of them committed the crimes cited since Stephen Lawrence was killed. We've all heard of Stephen.
How many of these were you aware of before you saw them here?


"The concept of envy — the hatred of the superior — has dropped out of our moral vocabulary …

The idea that white Christian civilization is hated more for its virtues than its sins doesn’t occur to us, because it’s not a nice idea. …

Western man towers over the rest of the world in ways so large as to be almost inexpressible.
It’s Western exploration, science, and conquest that have revealed the world to itself. Other races feel like subjects of Western power long after colonialism, imperialism, and slavery have disappeared.

The charge of racism puzzles whites who feel not hostility, but only baffled good will, because they don’t grasp what it really means: humiliation.
The white man presents an image of superiority even when he isn’t conscious of it.
And, superiority excites envy.

Destroying white civilization is the inmost desire of the league of designated victims we call minorities.

–Joseph Sobran (Sobran’s — April 1997)"


I want and believe in self determination for my people
said the Black man.
I want and believe in self determination for my people
said the Brown man.
I want and believe in self determination for my people
said the White Racist.



The founder of Britain First, Jim Dowson, has blown the lid on those that are behind the “Draw Mohammed Cartoon” competition, and claimed that the organisers are determined to ignite a race war in the UK.

Dowson went to a series of meetings with former EDL leader, Tommy Robinson, former UKIP candidate Ann Marie Waters and Alan Ayling, where they proposed that he funded their new organisation in return for a cut of the profits

In the interview with the Knights Templar International website, he also goes on to allege that the trio were planning to post cartoons in predominately Muslim areas to further their aims of inflaming their community to further divide them from society.

In the first part of the interview, Dowson describes their initial meeting with them:

“For some time I had been courted by ‘Tommy Robinson’ EX EDL re a new project that he was to be involved with when he came off licence. He and some others named as an, Anne Marie Waters, Lord Pearson and Barroness Cox where to set up and promote a ‘Sharia Watch’ organisation and were looking for me to provide the skills to enable successful fundraising, administration, merchandising and web presence similar to what I had done for the BNP and Britain First in the past. As a result of several conversations I was invited over to meet the interested parties and that was on the dates above.”

Dowson goes go to detail the meetings in which Britain First’s Paul Golding and Jayda Fransen turned up with some henchmen along with Tommy Robinson, Ann Marie Waters and Alan Ayling, one of the early funders of the EDL. Dowson left Britain First last year claiming that Golding was taking it in the wrong direction and were not compatible with his Christian values:

“There was actually two meetings that took place on Thursday the 11th of June 2015 in the village of Great Offley . The first meeting was in the Green Man pub, beer garden at around 4pm where Mr Robinson arrived with a man I know to be called ‘Dave Allport’ who introduced himself as an expert on extremism and was very friendly with Mr Lennon. I had the impression they were both singing from the same hymn sheet.

“Also present were Paul Golding and Jayda Francen from the Political party Britain First and several security personnel also from Britain First and one other, an man who was there to observe at my request.

“This meeting was really one about Tommy and Paul and I was not really involved in any serious discussions.

“As this meeting concluded Mr Robinson confirmed with me of our meeting later that evening and said that Anne Marie Waters would be present and Alan Ayling also would be there. This was arranged to be held down the road in the Red Lion Hotel at 7.30pm. No Britain First people were invited.

“The second meeting in the red Lion was attended by myself, Ayling, Robinson and I had a person ‘observing’ from nearby. They initially explained what they desired from me regarding the new organisation, which Anne Marie described as “ EDL with membership.

“I explained it would take at least £10,000 to start this project. Robinson suggested I get a cut of the profits, However, I pointed out the considerable costs involved and I would have to pay my people up front but after this initial investment a cut would be fine. Then Mr Ayling said that once this was up and running they had American ‘heavy hitters’ who would back the project, this was reiterated by Mr Robinson.”

Dowson goes on to explain why in his view, this group were deliberately trying to inflame a race war under the pretence of ‘freedom of speech’:

“As the meeting progressed I was interested in how they would attract a following given that the ‘right-wing’ anti Islam ‘market was rather crowded and Britain First had almost a monopoly on the scene. It was then the issue of cartoons was brought up.

“Anne Marie Waters outlined her idea of a Mohammed Cartoon competition. It was also muted by the others that the displaying of cartoons should occur in towns and cities with large muslin communities both here in Britain and possibly in Europe. Robinson and Ayling both contributed to this discussion.

“However, it seemed to me that Ms Waters was very much the driving force in this enterprise. As the conversation progressed it became apparent that this idea was, as far as I was concerned, extremely dangerous and ill conceived.

“I was becoming aware of the true intent of the whole operation and was seriously concerned at what I was hearing.

“It became very obvious that the intent was to use the pretence of ‘freedom of speech’ to ferment a backlash from the Muslim community.

“This was not an opinion formulated by me but rather a conclusion based on statements from all three participants.

“I pointed out that such a ‘stunt’ would definitely ignite the fires of a civil war and this had the potential to result in the deaths of thousands of innocent people. During the conversation I asked Ms Water directly if it was a fair thing to mock any religious figure, Mohammed, Jesus Christ, Or the Virgin Mary as I, as a Christian found the deliberate mocking of my religion as a very annoying thing. She responded tersely that “she would do what she liked, whenever she wanted as it’s a fee country and it’s her right” I found this statement and the attitude to be at best rather juvenile and maybe even foolhardy.”

Alan Ayling and Tommy Robinson both stated that it was necessary to spark off a Northern Ireland style conflict with the Muslim community according to Downson:

“At this stage in the conversation both Ayling and Mr Robinson interjected with comments regarding the necessity to ‘spark’ off a conflict as demographically it was better it happen now than in 20 years time when it would be too late.

“Again I pressed as to whether they fully understood the implications of what they were saying and apparently they did. I explained the realities of the horrors that I lived through during the Ulster conflict and again this was seen as a sort of model for the overall plan as they were convinced that once the spark was ignited, that “there were enough Jihadists, gangsters and drug dealers with arms in the Muslim community to start a war”.

“They believed that then in this scenario thousands of British people especially ex military folk would be drawn into an Northern Ireland like conflict and their organisation would be in a position to harness the people into some kind of structure and resistance movement.

“The meeting ended around 11.30pm and such was my concern over what had been discussed that I immediately contacted my solicitor and deposited a video with said solicitors first thing next morning. I have had no contact with any of these people whatsoever since that night ,nor do I wish to do so.”

Dowson finished by stating that by deliberately starting a race war, it will drive young Muslims into the hands of Jihadists and he wanted nothing to do with the group again:

“I am a unapologetic Christian patriot and I am deeply concerned about the threat posed to the west by militant Islam, however, to embarked on a campaign to deliberately insult, thus drive more young Muslims into the hands of the jihadists is not the best way, politically, militarily or ethically to combat this threat.

“Indeed it is tactically utter stupidity and does our people a great disservice. As a Christian who has seen murderous conflict and its casualties up close on the streets of Belfast I am compelled to do absolutely everything I possibly can to prevent or at least contain the coming carnage. It is far easier keeping the lid ON Pandora’s box than trying to close it afterwards. We lost 4,000 people in Northern Ireland learning that lesson; let’s not make the same mistakes in England.”

These revelations come as Robinson has recently been released from prison after he recently got recalled for mortgage fraud. Many suspect he was recalled to prison to prevent him taking part.

Tommy Robinson told 5Pillars that all of Dowson’s claims are fabrications and that he has no evidence to prove any of it. Robinson also informed 5Pillars that Dowson has been avoiding his phone calls.







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