Free Speech ? Use it or LOSE it !
Populist and Populism are NOT four letter words.
They just describe Democracy from the ground up.
It's the Greatest Good, for the Greatest Number.
Sean Bryson - Notting Hill - London W11 - UK
'Some' of the people who wish to speak with you,
may be a danger to you.
But 'all' of the people who would stop you listening,
are a danger to you.
Sean Bryson
A full list of all of the articles on this website
Letter To Kensington & Chelsea College
Reply From Kensington & Chelsea College
Second Letter To Kensington & Chelsea College
Rogues Gallery ...
The tiniest fraction of those first and second-generation immigrants who have killed, raped and otherwise violated British men, women and children in Britain.
All of them committed the crimes cited since Stephen Lawrence was killed.
We've all heard of Stephen.
How many of these were you aware of before you saw them here?
"The concept of envy — the hatred of the superior — has dropped out of our moral vocabulary …
The idea that white Christian civilization is hated more for its virtues than its sins doesn’t occur to us, because it’s not a nice idea. …
Western man towers over the rest of the world in ways so large as to be almost inexpressible.
It’s Western exploration, science, and conquest that have revealed the world to itself. Other races feel like subjects of Western power long after colonialism, imperialism, and slavery have disappeared.
The charge of racism puzzles whites who feel not hostility, but only baffled good will, because they don’t grasp what it really means: humiliation.
The white man presents an image of superiority even when he isn’t conscious of it.
And, superiority excites envy.
Destroying white civilization is the inmost desire of the league of designated victims we call minorities.
–Joseph Sobran (Sobran’s — April 1997)"
I want and believe in self determination for my people
said the Black man.
I want and believe in self determination for my people
said the Brown man.
I want and believe in self determination for my people
said the White Racist.
1991 Gulf War
Sixty Plus+ / Volunteer Bureau
Senior Citizens
Whitbread Chiltern Inns
WAES Westminster Adult Education Service
Kensington & Chelsea College
St Martins College of Art & Design
Hammersmith Jobcentre
The Spitting Postman ? - Notting Hill
Learndirect - Ladbroke Grove Library
8th October 1997
Dear Mr Bryson,
On behalf of Michael Baber and others
at Kensington and Chelsea College thank you for your letter
of 2nd October.
We are sorry that you have felt the need
to write to us.
We will reply to you shortly once the
appropriate staff have had the opportunity to address
your query.
Yours sincerely
Jane Stroud
College Secretary |
"Making learning a
rewarding experience
for people throughout
their adult lives" |
cc. M Baber.
G Ingham. B Tanner. M Pringle. D Barker. M Algar. R Gunn.
Councillor FitzGerald. C Rocha |
Hortensia Centre
Hortensia Road
London SW10 OQS
Tel 0171 573 3600
Fax 0171 351 0956 |
Wornington Centre
Wornington Road
London W10 5QQ
Tel 0171 573 3600
Fax 0181 960 2693 |
Guidance and
Admissions Centre
Wornington Centre
Wornington Road
London W10 5QQ
Tel 0171 573 5325
Fax 0181 960 2693 |
Edge Centre
Edge Street
London W8 7PN
Tel 0171 727 1275
Fax 0171 792 0457 |
Marlborough Centre
Sloane Avenue
London SW3 3AP
Tel 0171 589 2044 |
11th November 1997
Dear Mr Bryson, |
"Making learning a
rewarding experience
for people throughout
their adult lives"
In reply to your letter dated 2nd October, 1997, I am sorry that
you are disappointed at not having been offered a place on the Introduction
to Multimedia Course running at this College. I have investigated
the reasons why and can offer you the following information. The
number of applictions far outweighed the number of places available
making the selection process extremely rigorous. Many applicants
have, consequently, been disappointed. I know that you requested
the reason that you were not successful on this occasion and I have
now spoken to the lecturers who interviewed you.
The course is a multimedia course covering Photography, Graphic
Design, Image Manipulation, Video and Internet work. Apparently,
the work that you showed at the interview did not include photographs
or any other lens based media unlike the successful applicants.
The interviewers felt that your interest lay in image manipulation
and computer graphics rather than working with still or video
cameras. Photography constitutes more than a third of the course.
Perhaps a course that concentrates on computer design would suit
you better.
A vital element of this course is the ability to work successfully
as part of a team. This is requirement across the industry as
people rarely work on their own. Other applicants also demonstrated
their ability to work as a team more successfully than you did.
Many of the students on the course have previously completed
our 10 week Introduction to Media Course and one or more modules
on the City & Guilds Photography Course. You did join both
these courses but failed to complete them. The interviewers were
concerned that you might not be able to commit yourself to a year
long course given your previous record.
It would not be right for me to comment on the other issues which
you raised, which had no reference to the College's assessment
of your application. Indeed at the time they had no knowledge
of you outside of the College.
Yours sincerely
Gill Ingham
Head of Faculty
Art, Craft & Design
Wornington Centre
Wornington Road
London W10 5QQ
Tel 0171 573 3600
Fax 0181 960 2693 |
Guidance and
Admissions Centre
Wornington Centre
Wornington Road
London W10 5QQ
Tel 0171 573 5325
Fax 0181 960 2693 |
Edge Centre
Edge Street
London W8 7PN
Tel 0171 727 1275
Fax 0171 792 0457 |
Marlborough Centre
Sloane Avenue
London SW3 3AP
Tel 0171 589 2044 |
